How To Get Back With Your Ex Girlfriend When Everything Seems Lost
Author: John ShawDid you ever feel like nothing makes sense anymore? You ask yourself a lot of hard questions that you don't quite know the answer to. It's usually questions like "What went wrong?", "We were so happy together and then it was over just like that… How did it come to this so fast?" This article will reveal couple of simple steps teaching you how to get back with your ex girlfriend.
There is one question though that you really want an answer for. That question is "How to get back with your ex girlfriend?"
Losing your ex girlfriend can cause excruciating pain that even your closest friends won't be able to fully understand. Advices like "It wasn't meant to be …" or "You'll find another girlfriend, don't worry" will not heal your broken heart. They will not make you get up with a smile every day and feel like everything's all right. The opposite is true actually.
By now you must have tried couple of ways of getting back with your ex with little to no success. You've tried talking to her, calling her constantly or following her activity online, bought gifts and probably done everything you could possibly do to get her back. And still, that feeling of emptiness never got away from you.
Click here for a bulletproof get ex back blueprint.
How to get back with your ex girlfriend – to do list:
1. Give her some space. The biggest mistake you can make when your relationship has ended is to relentlessly try to talk to your ex girlfriend when she does not want to talk to you. This will do more damage than heal the wounded relationship. No one wants to stick around with the clingy guy. You need to let her miss you a little and realize she still cares for you even though you are apart.
2. Invest in your image. You must become the man she once fell for. Go to the gym. Visit a day spa. Go out with couple of girls you know and ask them to help you change your wardrobe. In order to feel look you must first look good. Trust me when I say this : your girlfriend will not welcome back the unwashed, unshaved "don't care about anything and nobody" version of you.
3. Be more social. When's the last time you hanged out with your buddies and just had fun? Try to do it more and more often. Try meeting new friends. Don't try to pick up girls just yet but couple of dates won't hurt either. The first thing you must do before meeting your ex again is build your confidence back.
4. Be a good friend for your ex. You share a history together, hopefully a good history. If this isn't the case, then why would you want her back in the first place? She probably feels the same way about you. If you have gone through steps 1-3, it's time to reestablish the lost trust. You need to make baby steps. Don't ask her to become your girlfriend again. Find out what's new in her life, how is she coping with the breakup, news on her friends and family. This will lay a solid foundation you can use to rebuild the relationship.
5. Seduce her yet again. Don't assume just because you were once together she will just jump right back into your arms. It's possible but in most cases not likely. You need to flirt with her as if this is the first time you've ever met. Don't exaggerate though. Be a friend first and a teaser second. This playfulness may remind her why you were the chosen one for her once. It should be easier the second time around as you know each other fairly well.
6. Correct errors of the past. Even though you think you have not wronged her (and maybe you haven't) you need to take responsibility on the actions that lead to the breakup. You need to understand exactly why your relationship went to a close road and what you can do to avoid it in the future. You must believe it firmly otherwise your ex will see right through you. With everything set in place, you will now have a solid shot at getting her back.
The good news is that you don't have to feel this way. Getting back with your ex is not going to happen overnight but what if there was a proven system that can get your life back on track? By following a set of simple rules you can make her come to you and regret the breakup.
Instead of you begging and pleading for another chance, it could very well be reversed. It's not an easy process and the psychological techniques are counter intuitive but it works like a charm if you obey these simple rules. Hundreds of guys have tested this system. Time and time again their lost love has returned in their arms and things went back to normal.
Here are a couple of questions readers of this article posted:
How to get back with your ex girlfriend after breaking up with her?
If you have broke up with your ex girlfriend it will be hard to get back with her. She will probably be extremely angry with you and will not want to hear your excuses.
Sometimes mistakes can cost quite a lot as you've figured by now. This is the only message you can send to your ex. She needs to know that you've made a terrible mistake and regret your actions with all your heart. Don't ask her to come back with you.
If you are sincere and she still has feelings for you, she will eventually give you a shot at getting back together. Try to be a good and supportive friend till the occasion for something more arises. If it doesn't, you can still be very close friends and that's not something to neglect either.
How to get back with your ex girlfriend after months have passed?
If there's a lot of time (months) since your breakup took place the chances of getting her back are pretty slim. She probably moved on by now. It's painful to acknowledge the end of your relationship but not doing so will hurt more.
This doesn't mean however it's not possible to get her back even at this point. There's only one possible situation that I can think of that might be in your favor.
She has started dating other guys and yet she still compares them with you. If you have a long history together she might be inclined to favor you if her new boyfriend turns out to be even more problematic than you were.
How to get back with your ex girlfriend quickly?
Quick results using the above how to guide can be achieved only in one situation : if your breakup was caused by minor issues and she still loves you. There are techniques that can provide fast results but they aren't always accurate to your custom situation and usually counter intuitive.
The fastest way to get back together is to find out if she actually wants it too without asking her directly. If you manage to convince one of her closest friends to find it out for you and it turns out she does want the same thing as you then you only have one small step to make.
In all other cases, it may take a while until she will be ready to give you one more chance.
How to get back with your ex girlfriend – the final conclusion:
Don't let the pain control your life any longer. You deserve to be happy again together with your ex. Click here to learn more about a proven system that changed the lives of many guys who thought everything was lost.
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